Microflora danica: mapping denmark’s microorganisms
Everyone knows that there are bacteria everywhere, but no one actually knows how many different microorganisms exist. Depending on who you listen to, the figure can vary from 10 million to 1 billion different species, and the challenge so far has been that it has not been possible to identify individual organisms precisely, as this requires the mapping of 1,600 letters in a DNA sequence.
In 2018, a research group led by Professor Mads Albertsen from the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience published a new DNA sequencing method that addresses this particular challenge by – in popular terms – making it possible to take bacteria’s fingerprints. This paved the way for the ambitious project in collaboration with AAU Professor Per Halkjær Nielsen, who is among the world’s leading bacterial researchers. The project, called Microflora Danica, spans four years and is being funded by a grant of DKK 30 million from the Poul Due Jensen Foundation.
The project will run for four years, and although the focus is on Danish microorganisms, scientists hope to eventually have a comprehensive, open database that can be used anywhere in the world.
This is exactly why the researchers have named the project “Microflora Danica”, with reference to one of the largest ever Danish research projects, where all Danish plants were categorised in a comprehensive manual that is still available today.
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